Vacuum Cleaners

My Vacuum Doesn’t Suck… Literally!

My vacuum, I mean…it isn’t sucking up the dirt. I turned it over and looked at it and it looks fine. It smells kind of funny, but that could be normal, right? I can turn it off and on, and that seems to work just fine. That brush thing isn’t spinning…is it supposed to? I looked up the hose, and that seems okay, I mean I didn’t accidentally suck any dog toy up. It just stopped sucking!

Admit it…this is you, right?

Did you know that you are supposed to vacuum your carpet once per week, times the number of adults + any pets over 20 lbs? I don’t know about you but that is crazy unless I hire a maid. But then, does that add one more adult walking on the carpet?! Whew!!

On average, each person and medium sized pet tracks in .02 ounces of dirt per day. That’s not much, until you start multiplying that, and it adds up quick, and then, before you know it, your carpet looks terrible, and when you reach for the trusted vacuum, it doesn’t suck!  At All Ray’s Vacuum Repair we understand that keeping your carpet looking clean and new is important. We also value your time and making the repair with a quick turnaround. Think of our team as your 911 when your vacuum decides to stop sucking!

Today’s population has a tendency to throw away appliances when they stop working. And yes, your vacuum is a household appliance. Usually because you, the consumer, doesn’t know where to start when it comes to getting them fixed, and all the ins and outs of what it will cost, turnaround time and a lot more, making vacuum repair an often overlooked option.  All Ray’s Vacuum Repair can answer every one of those questions with just a quick phone call.

At All Ray’s Vacuum Repair they’ve been taking care of customers for over 35 years and you won’t find a more knowledgeable, prompt, and reliable service team anywhere.